Friday, September 5, 2014



Hey guys this post is not going to be about dance, but I had an amazing chapel today! In chapel we talked about WHO YOU RUNNIN' TO?! Do you choose your friend, parents, or anyone over God.  No, because God knows everything that your going through and your friends don't. Your parents over friends might not know the answers to your problem. Only God knows the answer to your problems. 

Verses: Exodus 17:16, Acts 17, James 4:2

Speaker: Stephanie

Where do we need to go to fix serious situations? We need to go to God. He is the only person that can help us. He doesn't just listen, he answers. Moses from the Bible, he asked God what he should do and God answered. Moses never gave up on God. That's what we should do. NEVER GIVE UP ON GOD!!! 

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