Monday, October 6, 2014

Spiritual Emphasis Week

This blog won't be my regular blog post about dance. It will be about Spiritual Emphasis Week!!! 

Tuesday: On Tuesday, Pastor Matt talked to us about Jesus dying on the cross for us. He showed us a video of Jesus dying on the cross.

Wednesday: On Wednesday, Pastor Sonia talked about Breaking Through. She also talked about changes in the world. She told us to not focus on everything around us. She told us to be only centered on GOD.

Thursday: On Thursday, Pastor Jason. He talked about being focused. He said to only be focused on God instead of being focused on the people around you and the things around you. 

Friday: On Friday, a missionary named David talked about his story. He said when he was younger he ran away from home and did bad things. But then he started focusing on God and now he is going to Columbia to preach.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My Family

Today my blog will be about my family instead of dance. My family is pretty big! I have a brother named Mason, a brother named Connor, and a sister named Cheyenne. My dad's name is Michael and my mom's name is Jennifer. My grandma's name is Tammie and Grandpa's name is Michael also. My other grandpa's name is James and my other grandma's name is Janet. I have a dog named Gator, a dog named Dixie, a cat named Nala, a cat named Simba, a cat named Benjamen, and a cat named Isabella. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

How to do an illusion

How to do an illusion:

Step 1: Always stretch! Stretch you back, arms, and legs.

Step 2: First, put your feet together and put your hands to the ground.

Step 3: Then put your left or right leg into the air like a split.

Step 4: So your going to the steps 2 and 3 but your going to do it while spinning and your going to the it faster. Don't forget to point your toes!

How to do chest stand

how to do a chest stand:

Step 1: Like always, stretch! Stretch out your back, legs, and arms. 

Step 2: Start by standing on your knees and your arms back with your palms facing the floor.

Step 3: Then, arch your back and kind of roll (like a ball) and don't let your face hit the ground, let your chin hit the ground softly.

Step 4: Then straighten your legs and point your toes!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Dancing with Stars

Dancing with stars is an awesome Tv show. It shows a lot about dancing and it gives some people to show off their dance moves and they get to dance with their favorite celebrity. I recommend this show for dancers like give this show a 4 1/2 star rating!!!! 

Dance Revolution

Today I will be talking about Dance Revolution. Basically, dance revolution is where you stay at a certain hotel and everyday you have dance class. The dance classes are all day, but you will still get to eat! On Friday nights they have a certain costume party!!! On Saturday at around 6:30 your OWN dance group gets to perform!!! Then, on Sunday you take the special guest class. It is when a special guest comes to teach you in class. The last time I was there the special guest was Kathryn Mccormick! Then you watch a play that the professional dancers are in. Then you go back home. That's it for my blog, Bye!
                                                                Kathryn Mccormick

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Dance Positions

                    Dance Positions

This blog will be about different dance positions. The first position is called First Position. It is when you put your heels together to make a V shape and your arms are down in a circle and your shoulders are back. The next position is called Second Position. It is when you spread your legs out with your feet parallel to do front and your arms straight and make them look like they are curving in a little. The next position is called Third Position. it is when you keep your feet and legs together and your arms in a circle in front of you. the next position is called Fourth Position. It is when you put your left foot diagonal to the left and right foot is in front of it and diagonal to the right and make sure there is space between your two feet. The last position is called Fifth Position. It is when you put you left foot diagonal to the left and your right foot put in front of it and diagonal to the right and this time there is NO space between your two feet. That is all for this blog. Bye!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Modern Day Keyboard

                                Modern Day Keyboard

Today this blog won't be about dance. It will be about the modern day keyboard known as QWERTY. Christopher Latham Sholes invented the first QWERTY keyboard. Christopher was born on February 14,1819 in Mooresburg, Pennsylvania. He was a newspaper publisher and a Wisconsin politician.  He died February 17, 1890 in Milwuakee, Wisconsin. Why is the QWERTY keyboard set up the way it is?  It is like that because when a key was struck, a linkage would swing the bar into tape coated with ink. When the character struck the tape, the impression of the character was transferred on to paper. Sholes' original prototype had a problem with the bars colliding with each other and jamming. So, he arranged the keys with the most common letters in hard to reach spots, to slow typists down and try to avoid this problem. That is all for this blog. Bye!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Dance Attire

                Dance Attire

This blog is going to be about what your supposed to wear to dance practice. The first thing you should wear is your team dance shirt or a regular t-shirt, or a leotard. The next thing you should wear is yoga shorts, yoga pants, leggings, or tights. Then you should wear the correct dance shoes. They could be ballet shoes, jazz shoes, tap shoes, or if you have acrobatics, you should wear socks. For your hair you should either put it in a bun or a high ponytail. 

How to do a handstand

How to do a handstand: 

Step 1: Always stretch! Do some arm stretches, wrist stretches, leg stretches, and back stretches. 

Step 2: Put both your hands up straight in to the air and stick your right or left foot out, only a little and point it. 

Step 3: With your pointed foot push yourself until you have your hands on the ground and legs straight up in the air.

Step 4: Straighten your back and put your legs together.

Step 5: Then, point your toes!

How to do an arabesque

How to do a arabesque:

Step 1: Always stretch! Do some leg, arm, and back stretches.

Step 2: Put your arms in an L shape straight forward. 

Step 3: Now keep your back straight and lift your left or right leg up straight and keep your arms in an L shape. 

Step 4: Point you toes!


Friday, September 5, 2014



Hey guys this post is not going to be about dance, but I had an amazing chapel today! In chapel we talked about WHO YOU RUNNIN' TO?! Do you choose your friend, parents, or anyone over God.  No, because God knows everything that your going through and your friends don't. Your parents over friends might not know the answers to your problem. Only God knows the answer to your problems. 

Verses: Exodus 17:16, Acts 17, James 4:2

Speaker: Stephanie

Where do we need to go to fix serious situations? We need to go to God. He is the only person that can help us. He doesn't just listen, he answers. Moses from the Bible, he asked God what he should do and God answered. Moses never gave up on God. That's what we should do. NEVER GIVE UP ON GOD!!! 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Tap Shoes

                  Dance Shoes

For this blog I am going to be talking about tap shoes. Tap shoes are used for tap classes. They are either black or tan colored and they have a heel in the back and on the heel is this metal piece so that is what make the tap noise. At Payless tap shoes cost about $27 to $55. This is the end of my blog but there is more to come. Bye!

Jazz Shoes

                  Dance Shoes

For this blog I am going to be talking about jazz shoes. Jazz shoes are shoes that have a little heel in the back and they are used in a jazz dance. Jazz shoes are either black or tan colored but they look very nice. At Payless they cost about $10 to $30. There will be more blogs to come. Bye!

Ballet Shoes

                                  Dance Shoes

For this blog I am going to talk about dance shoes. Ballet shoes are obviously used and ballet, but they are also sometimes used in lyrical. Ballet shoes are pink and sometimes white, black, or tan. Ballet shoes are good for your feet cause they help you point better and they make you have better turns. At Payless ballet shoes range about $20-$30. This is my first dance shoe blog and there is probably gonna be more to come. Bye!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

How to do a backbend

How to do a back bend: 

Step 1: Stretch your back and your arms.

Step 2: Stand up with your legs spread apart and make your hand into a diamond shape over your head.

Step 3: When your going back into your back bend make sure you keep looking at your hands.

Step 4: Lean back and arch your back and land carefully so you don't hurt yourself.

Step 5: Now you should have landed safely and your body should make like a circle shape.

How to do a scorpion

How to do a scorpion:

Step 1: Stretch your splits, legs, arms, and back.

Step 2: Grab your right or left foot and bring it back so your making an arch with your leg. 

Step 3: Then, arch your back so it looks like your making a circle with your back and leg.

Step 4: Now all you have to do is point your toes!

How to do a heel stretch

How to do a heel stretch:

Step 1: Stretch and most of all stretch your splits.

Step 2: Lift your right or left leg and grab the inside of your foot with your arm that is closest to the leg that's in the air.

Step 3: Then, lift your leg up and make sure it is straight so it looks like you are doing a side split in the air.

Friday, August 29, 2014

How to do a fan kick

How to do a fan kick:

Step 1: First Stretch, you have to get your arms and legs warmed up so you don't hurt yourself.

Step 2: Stand straight up and move your leg in a circular motion high in the air and circle it until you get back to your starting position.

Step 3: While your doing that your arms are going to make a circular shape and when your legs go into the circular motion your arms slowly go out of the circular shape.

Thursday, August 28, 2014


 Hello! My name is Courtney Broderick. My blog will be about dance. I will be talking about different types of dance, dance TV shows, and dance shoes. People think dance is very easy, but it takes a lot of practice and balance. Now I am going to tell you about myself! I am 12 years old i have blonde hair and blue eyes, my favorite color is green. I have been dancing for almost 9 years!!! That's all about me so please enjoy my blog.