Monday, October 6, 2014

Spiritual Emphasis Week

This blog won't be my regular blog post about dance. It will be about Spiritual Emphasis Week!!! 

Tuesday: On Tuesday, Pastor Matt talked to us about Jesus dying on the cross for us. He showed us a video of Jesus dying on the cross.

Wednesday: On Wednesday, Pastor Sonia talked about Breaking Through. She also talked about changes in the world. She told us to not focus on everything around us. She told us to be only centered on GOD.

Thursday: On Thursday, Pastor Jason. He talked about being focused. He said to only be focused on God instead of being focused on the people around you and the things around you. 

Friday: On Friday, a missionary named David talked about his story. He said when he was younger he ran away from home and did bad things. But then he started focusing on God and now he is going to Columbia to preach.